Thank you for agreeing to participate in your Chamber's Quarterly Economic Survey.

Entering this quarter's survey automatically enters you into a draw with the chance for you to win one of three £30 Amazon vouchers and for your business to have a feature in the Chamber's main newsletter.

To enter the draw, please make sure you fill in your e-mail address. Your QES responses will still remain confidential.

NOTE: If based at your head office, please answer for the whole UK operation.

Question Title

* 1. How many people does your business employ?
(Estimate if not known; sole trader = 1)

Question Title

* 2. What authority area is your business located in? (Tick all that apply)

Question Title

For businesses involved in the UK market, excluding seasonal variations, over the past three months...

  increased remained constant decreased
a) sales/custom/bookings have...
b) orders/advance custom/bookings have...

Question Title

* 5. Is your business engaged in international trade?