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* 1. What is your name or the name of your organisation? (Please note this question is optional)

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* 2. NDIS - There are a number of barriers that limit access and participate of CaLD people with disability within the NDIS. To what extent do you and/or your organisation agree with these asks for the 2022 election?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
An Implementation Plan with concrete measures under the NDIS CaLD strategy
Collaborate with peak bodies, disability advocacy organisation and people with disability (PWD) to develop the revised CALD NDIS implementation plan
Ensure NDIA Staff, Partner in the Community (PITC) and NDIS Service Providers complete ongoing cultural competency training
Ensure NDIA Staff, PITC and NDIS Service Providers complete ongoing training on how to work with interpreters
Ensure funding is available in NDIS plans for interpreters
Collaborate with peak bodies, disability advocacy organisation and PWD to co-design and develop accessible information about the NDIS
Implement a defined and tailored pathway to support CaLD PWD  

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* 3. What do you identify as the main barriers preventing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) participants from accessing and benefiting from the NDIS?

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* 4. Immigration - NEDA calls for an end to discrimination toward PwD in immigration policy. How strongly do you agree that the following issues are a priority for this election?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Discriminatory policy that impacts carers visas
Removal of the Health requirement - Denial of visas on the basis of disability being a cost to the health system 
Removal of the “One fails, all fails” rule for the denial of visas on the basis of one family member failing the health requirement
Issues affecting international student visas
Provide full access to disability support systems for people with disability seeking asylum and refugees with disability on temporary visas

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* 5. RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES: NEDA calls for an end to the use of restrictive practices. How strongly do you agree that the following issues are a priority for this election?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Strict regulation of the use of ABA in disability contexts
Eliminate the use of restrictive practices in all forms
Review State and Territory policies for involuntary psychiatric detainment

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* 6. REGULATION, SAFETY AND TRAINING: NEDA calls for bipartisan commitment to regulation and training that will ensure the safety of all CaLD PwD. To what extent to you agree with the following commitments?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Implement an accreditation process for interpreters who work in the disability sector
Development of a co-designed national complaints mechanism
Funding to establish an independent ombudsman for breaches of rights against CaLD PWD
Commitment to comprehensive review of existing complaints mechanisms
Mandate background checks for carers in disability and aged-care services across all states/territories
Co-designed National Mental Health Strategy that includes tailored supports and services
Commitment to trauma-informed policy, service design and delivery
Commitment to raise standards of safety for audits of any services accessed by CaLD PwD.

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  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Develop guidelines about accessible information for CaLD PWD in emergencies
Provide accessible communications in community languages about COVID and vaccinations.
Mandate COVID emergency planning for all disability service providers
Mandate disability supports continuing when COVID outbreaks and natural disasters occur 
Increase individual disability advocacy funding for outreach and provide COVID and vaccination information and support
Use community radio and translated materials in simple language for critical public health messaging.   
Develop a national policy framework on environmental migration and climate refugees

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  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Fund and extend the DRC by two years 
Hold a specific CaLD Public Hearing
Examine the full extent of COVID-19 impacts on CaLD PWD and their participation in the DRC
Resource disability organisations to support PWD  who live isolated particularly culturally relevant and appropriate organisations
Bipartisan commitment to embrace and uphold any recommendations from the DRC 

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  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Abolish JobActive and mutual agreements under the Disability Employment Support (DES) program 
Increase access to mainstream employment
Ensure that any future federally funded employment services incorporate specialist services for CaLD people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
Abolish the 10-year qualifying residence waiting requirement to access Age Pension and the Disability Support Pension (DSP)
Abolish the no-more-than 28 days abroad criteria for receiving Centrelink benefits while overseas
Significantly reform the DSP and remove the rigid requirement that to meet access disability must be “fully treated, diagnosed, and stabilised”.
End all Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) and end segregated employment

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  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Provide funding for individual state based disability advocacy services for Federal issues (NDIS, DSP, Centrelink etc)
Increase funding for National Disability Representative Organisations
Ensure that funding allocated under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grants provide appropriate supports outside of the NDIS

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* 11. DATA: Collection and application of accurate and representative data

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
Nationally consistent definition of CaLD 
Ensure data reporting reflects the migration story for ethnicity and disability 
Better recognition for those born in Australia from culturally diverse backgrounds. 
Distinguish between Cultural Diversity and Linguistic Diversity. 
Greater consistency in how disability is defined 
Better numeracy in the language used 
Intersectionality is included in data collections 

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* 12. How would you rank these issues in order or priority?

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* 13. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?