Doors Open: Transforming lives through music at Smith Square Hall

Smith Square Hall is about to embark on an exciting new project:
'Doors Open: Transforming lives through music at Smith Square Hall'
The project is funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund and we’re conducting this survey as we’re keen to ensure that it engages our local communities and audiences. We would like to invite you to take part - the survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. You might find it easier to complete it on a laptop or tablet than a mobile phone.
Anything you tell us will be held in accordance with our GDPR Policy and will be confidential, anonymised, and will only be used for research purposes. The information you provide will be processed by the Activity Plan Consultant and The Audience Agency and securely held by them and Sinfonia Smith Square.
If you have any questions or want to find out more, please email or visit our website:

Smith Square Hall is a Grade I listed building and was originally an Anglican church built 300 years ago. It has a resident orchestra of 34 musicians at the start of their careers.

Question Title

* 1. Smith Square HallHow much do you know about the history of St John's Smith Square?

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* 2. Have you visited St John's Smith Square before?

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* 3. If you answered Yes to the previous question, what did you visit for?