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Title of Research:
Online Survey (10 to 15 minutes to complete)
Name of Principal Investigator: Brandt Douglas von Krieger
Contact Information:
Brief Statement of Purpose of Work:
This research aims to establish a clear regulatory approval pathway for creating a permanent ship recycling facility in British Columbia. Central to this project is assessing how stakeholder engagement can enhance approval processes and lead to sustainable outcomes.
This research aims to establish a clear regulatory approval pathway for creating a permanent ship recycling facility in British Columbia. Central to this project is assessing how stakeholder engagement can enhance approval processes and lead to sustainable outcomes.
Participation and Confidentiality:
I understand that my participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and I may withdraw at any time without any penalty. Should I withdraw, I may request that any data I have provided be destroyed. I understand that I am participating in a personal capacity, sharing my own perspectives and experiences. My identity will remain confidential. No identifying information (e.g., my name, contact details, or any other personally identifying characteristics) will be included in the research outputs, unless I expressly state otherwise.
Data collected (audio recordings, interview transcripts, written notes) will be stored securely on password-protected devices and encrypted storage systems. Only the Principal Investigator and authorized research personnel will have access. Data will be retained only as long as necessary for analysis and will be destroyed securely after the conclusion of the research project and associated publications.
Data collected (audio recordings, interview transcripts, written notes) will be stored securely on password-protected devices and encrypted storage systems. Only the Principal Investigator and authorized research personnel will have access. Data will be retained only as long as necessary for analysis and will be destroyed securely after the conclusion of the research project and associated publications.
Health, Safety, and Risk Considerations:
I understand that the Principal Investigator has taken reasonable steps to avoid foreseeable risks and that any necessary health and safety assessments have been completed according to applicable regulations (e.g., COSHH).
I understand that the Principal Investigator has taken reasonable steps to avoid foreseeable risks and that any necessary health and safety assessments have been completed according to applicable regulations (e.g., COSHH).