This survey is for collision repair business owners, managers and estimators.

1.What is your name? (Optional)
2.Name of your business (Optional)
3.Which state or territory are you in.(Required.)
4.Your role in the business (we assume all of the below involves estimating or managing estimators)(Required.)
5.Does your shop have one or more OEM approvals?(Required.)
6.Before 1 July 2022 how did you access repair methods? (You can select more than one)(Required.)
7.If your dealers used to give you repair methods free when you bought OEM parts are they now charging you?(Required.)
8.Since 1 July have you tried to access repair methods through the AASRA website?(Required.)
9.Did you find it easy to register?(Required.)
10.Do you/your estimators obtain and read the repair method before you estimate a job?(Required.)
11.Have you been asked to obtain OEM repair methods by any insurer?(Required.)
12.If you have had to pay for repair methods from the OEM has an insurer refused to pay and if so which ones?(Required.)
13.Please list any insurers who have paid for OEM repair methods when you have included them in the quote/invoice.