Exit this survey Post Trip Survey 25% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. Please type in your name. Question Title * 2. Please provide your itinerary code, or if you do not know it, provide your approximate date of departure. Question Title * 3. What countries did you visit? Check as many as apply. Australia Bhutan Borneo Cambodia Central Asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) China Fiji Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Laos Malaysia Maldives Micronesia Mongolia Myanmar (Burma) Nepal New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka South Korea Thailand Tibet Turkey Vietnam Other, please specify Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Who was your pre-trip Travel Specialist. Jen Boyd Jarrod Hobson Eric Kareus Katie Weiland Tom Lastick Rebecca Mazzaro Pat O'Connell Lesa Clarkson Other, please specify Question Title * 5. Level of service of your pre-trip Travel Specialist. Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 6. Were there any hotels you particularly enjoyed? Why? Question Title * 7. Were there any hotels that did not meet your standards? Why not? Question Title * 8. Were there any guides who were particularly outstanding? Why? Question Title * 9. Were there any guides who did not meet your standards? Why not? Next