Trading Platform Survey Question Title * 1. What trading platform software do you currently use? (you can select more than one) Excel Spreadsheet NeuroShell Ninja Trader MultiCharts Tradecision WealthLab MetaTrader4/5 Not Listed MetaStock AIQ Trade Navigator StrataSearch Tradestation Tradesignal Online Visual Trading Systems ThinkorSwim eSignal I do not use any software Question Title * 2. How would you rate your level of proficiency with your trading software that you use the most? Expert Advanced Intermediate Beginner Question Title * 3. If you were looking to purchase a trading system, how important is it to you that it is available for your platform? Extremely Important Somewhat Important Not Important Question Title * 4. How many trading systems or indicators have you purchased in the past 12 months for your trading platform? 0 1 2-4 4+ Question Title * 5. If you recently purchased a trading system or indicator, what was the primary reason? Favorable Reputation of Vendor Money Back Guarantee Reasonable Price Performance Shown in Advertisement Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. If you purchased a trading system or indicator recently, how satisfied are you? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 7. Please enter your e-mail address to be entered in the drawing for a free copy of Kevin's Congress ES Trading System. Done