Bilingual Spanish/English Solar Science Kits

This NASA@ My Library offering will provide 30 public libraries in areas with a large percentage of spanish speakers (or patrons of hispanic/latinx descent) with a Solar Science kit meant to support the October 2023 and April 2024 eclipses, and other astronomy/solar science activities. The draft kit list is as follows:
  • 4.5" Dobsonian Telescope with solar filter and moon filter
  • 2 SunSpotters
  • Materials for "Moon Bear's Shadow" Activity
  • "Sorting Games" Activity
  • "Eclipse Soundscapes" Citizen Science Tools and Activities
  • "Globe Observer" Citizen Science Digital Talking Air Thermometers
  • Selection of eclipse books
All items will be bilingual Spanish and English. 

Applications are due July 30th. 

Please contact Anne Holland ( with any questions.