Question Title

* 1. What is your full name (first & last)?

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* 2. What is your title?

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* 3. What is the name of person you are providing a reference for?

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* 4. What company did you work at with the candidate you are providing a reference for?

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* 5. What was the candidates job title?

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* 6. What is/was your professional relationship with the candidate?

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* 7. What were his/her responsibilities?

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* 8. Were these responsibilities performed successfully?

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* 9. Are there any areas of improvement that you would share?

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* 10. Why did the position end?

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* 11. 5. Would you recommend this person for the same or similar job elsewhere?

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* 12. Please feel free to share more details on these questions in the space provided below. We very much appreciate your time & effort on this reference check.