Community Health Needs Assessment

1.When you think about the place you live, what are you most concerned about?
2.When you imagine a strong, vibrant, healthy community, what are the most important features you think of? Please choose three.
3.Healthcare- in your community, how much need is there for (choose top three priorities)...
4.Mental health- in your community, how much need is there for (choose top three priorities)
5.Substance Use- In your community, how much need is there for…(choose three)
6.Seniors- in your community, how much need is there for (choose top three priorities)
7.Children and families- in your community, how much need is there for (choose top three)
8.Hunger and nutrition- in your community, how much need is there for (choose top three)
9.Housing- in your community, how much need is there for (top three)
10.What keeps people in your community from getting medical care? (check all that apply)
11.What is needed to improve the health of your family and neighbors? (check all that apply)
12.What is your gender?
13.What is your zip code?
14.How old are you?
17.What is your highest level of education?
18.Do you have health insurance?