Working with Benefits Webinar
Thank you for taking the time to complete this anonymous survey on the Working with Benefits Introductory Webinar. Your feedback is important and can help to design new materials and trainings on this project
Please type in the date that you viewed the webinar recording:
Which role best describes you? (select one)
Person in recovery who has Social Security benefits and thinking about work
Person in recovery who has Social Security benefits and is currently working
Family member or friend supporting someone with Social Security benefits and considering work
Peer Specialist who currently has or recently had Social Security benefits
Peer Support Specialist who never had Social Security benefits
Peer Support Specialist Supervisor
Psychiatric Rehabilitation worker or supervisor
Other (please identify)
How would you rate this webinar presentation at providing a basic overview of the Working with Benefits project?
Very good
Do you plan to download and use any of the Fact and/or Tip Sheets reviewed in this presentation?
If Yes, check all that apply:
To use for myself
To share with other people who have Social Security benefits
To share with providers who work with people with Social Security benefits
Other (please specify)
If No, check all that apply:
Doesn’t apply to me or people I support
Not sure how it would help others
Too hard to understand
Other (please specify)
What other topics related to benefits and working would you like to see covered? (check all that apply)
Personal stories of people using the Social Security Work Incentives
Tips for Youth and Young Adults in using the Social Security Work Incentives
Tips for Supervisors in sharing information about the Social Security Work Incentives and on how to support workers with Social Security benefits in making decisions about work hours
A Guide for Therapists and Psychiatrists to share information about the Work Incentives
Resources to help people improve their financial wellness
Other (please specify)
Please note any other comments or suggestions you have in the box below to help us improve our project.
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered