Feedback Survey for RW Black Leader Offering

HeArt of Black Leadership

Rockwood is currently in the development stages of an initiative designed solely for addressing the leadership needs of Black leaders across the social change sector. We value your input so please complete the following survey to provide some feedback for this offering. Thank you.
1.What is your name?(Required.)
2.Are you a Rockwood Alum? (If yes, please answer questions 3-6. If no, please skip to question 7)(Required.)
3.What made your RW experience great?
4.What activities were breakthrough activities for you and why?
5.Where did you feel held and seen?
6.Where were there missed opportunities?
7.have you participated in any virtual trainings? If so, what made the virtual experience beneficial? What made the virtual experience not so useful?(Required.)
8.What are your leadership development needs at this time?(Required.)
9.What makes you feel excited about a RW training opportunity solely for Black leaders? Is there anything coming up for you that makes you weary of such an opportunity; if so, what is it? 
10.What kind of courageous conversations are possible in a space for Black leaders? What might be possible for us to talk through since we aren’t managing everyone else?(Required.)
11.How much space do you need to talk about white people, habits of white supremacy, and/or about the experience of being Black in nonblack spaces?(Required.)
12.Would you prefer the Black Leader training to occur over a 5-day weeklong period or 6-days over a span of 6 weeks?(Required.)
13.Lastly, we welcome any feedback you have for us concerning today's call. Please provide that below. Thank you again for your time.