GISF, Covid-19 Vaccine Benchmarking Survey

GISF is conducting a benchmarking survey related to the covid-19 vaccine roll out and return-to-office plans. This survey is open to GISF members and network members to complete. The term return-to-office in this survey is used to describe a return to operating in office facilities.
1.I am a...
2.What best describes your role?
3.At which level does your role sit?
4.Does your organization have a return-to office policy and or guidance?
5.Has your organization surveyed staff on preferences for return-to-office strategies?
6.What is the return-to-office status of your organization’s overall portfolio? (check all that apply)
7.Who are the key decision makers in your organization for return-to-work plans? (ex. HR, Security, CEO etc..)
8.Is your organization developing a policy around Covid-19 vaccines?
9.Are you planning to make vaccination a requirement for return to office?
10.If Yes or still considering on having a vaccine policy: becoming covid-19 vaccinated is
11.If yes or still considering on having a vaccine policy/guidance: Are contingencies being considered for staff who are unwilling, hesitant and or unable to take a covid-19 vaccine?
12.Are you considering vaccination as a requirement for staff travel?
13.If considering vaccination as a requirement, how is your organization planning to accommodate government and other jurisdictional regulations including financially (ex. Mandated quarantines, testing, vaccines)?
14.What guidance, if any, are you giving to country offices who may not have access to a covid-19 vaccine for an extended period?
15.What if any are your concerns about the vaccine rollout impacting your organizations operations?
16.How is your organisation addressing vaccine exemptions, such as religious  or medical ?
17.Any additional comments you wish to note about return to office/ vaccine roll out?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered