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* 1. What is your name and email address (first and last name, email@xyz)?

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* 2. When tree-felling activities occur on a NoFloCo Project, all of the following individuals are involved – Sawyer, Limber, Bucker, and Swamper. Of these individuals which one has control of the area during this operation?

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* 3. It is critical for the Sawyer / Swamper team to have good communication and methods for communicating. No matter the situation the Swamper should never enter the ____________?

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* 4. The OHLEC method used when felling, limbing, or bucking a tree is paramount to being safe and following a process. The acronym of OHLEC is:

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* 5. When felling a tree and following the OHLEC Process, you should always have __________ escape route(s)?

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* 6. When on a NoFloCo Project and you hear three (3) whistles blasts, you are to stop working, make eye contact with the Sawyer and _______________.

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* 7. The Cohesive Strategy has several objectives to restore the forests to a healthy status. The Cohesive Strategy is a science-based approach to reducing the catastrophic effects of wildland fire. One of the goals of the Cohesive Strategy is:

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* 8. When NoFloCo participants complete neighborhood projects or work on their own, they should report the time, equipment usage, and results to NoFloCo because

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* 9. Each member of NoFloCo can and should discuss fire mitigation, the Wildland Cohesive Strategy, fire science, and all that NoFloCo stands for with their friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and casual contacts because

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* 10. According to the STUPID Safety Document, all NoFloCo attendees are responsible for their own safety, the safety of others, should be aware of tripping hazards, should protect infrastructure and utilities. They should also bring Donald _______________ .