AED/CPR Survey

Do you know how to help when someone has a cardiac emergency?

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds, and about 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent. Heart attacks are also the leading cause of death for people of most racial and ethnic groups in the U.S.

More than 15% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in a public location, but only 10% of these patients receive the application of an AED by a bystander. Using an automated external defibrillator (AED) or performing CPR can save someone's life in a cardiac event.

Being trained to use an AED machine or knowing how to give CPR might mean the difference between life and death for someone. That's why Thurston County offers free CPR classes for those who live or work in the county. Find out more here:

Do you know how to perform CPR?

Have you been trained to use an AED device?
3.Do you know where the closest AED is located at work, school, or in a public place?
4.If you'd like to receive information on free CPR training from Thurston County please enter your email address here: