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Thank you for expressing interest in this research project. This project has been approved by the Charles Sturt University Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number H24045).
Please read and retain the Participant Information Statement found here.

Should you have any questions regarding this study, the researchers may be contacted at:

Chief Investigator:
Associate Professor Chelsea Litchfield

Principal Investigator:
Dr Melissa Skein

Dr Tracey Parnell
Dr Jaquelyn Osborne
Dr Simone O’Connor
Dr Penelope Larsen
Dr Oli (Soph) Meredith
Dr Marissa Olsen

You are invited to participate in a research study on ‘Exploring perceptions of health and wellbeing of women and non-binary individuals in rural and remote Australia’.
Prior to deciding whether you wish to participate in this study, it is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the following information carefully.

What is the purpose of this study?
This research investigates how health and wellbeing are perceived by women and non-binary identified individuals residing in rural and remote Australia. This research aims to identify any factors or behaviours that may facilitate or impede achievement of desired health and wellbeing. Finally, this study specifically focuses on women and non-binary identified individuals in rural and remote communities, rather than those residing in metropolitan areas, which will provide a unique contribution to the scholarly work in this field.

Why have I been invited to participate in this study?
We are seeking female and non-binary identified participants over the age of 18 years who reside in rural and remote Australia. There are no other restrictions to being involved in this study.

What does this study involve?
If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a 30-minute anonymous online survey through the Survey Monkey website.
The survey will include questions about age, marital status, education, employment, etc., as well as details relating to health and wellbeing. In particular, the survey will ask questions relating to physical activity and exercise, sleep, eating behaviours and ageing.
As a follow-up to the survey, participants will be invited to participate in an interview to provide some further narrative on their perceptions of health and wellbeing. The 45-60-minute interviews will be carried out online via the Zoom platform and will be audio recorded for transcription and data analysis purposes.

The full Participant Information Statement is available from the following link -

Question Title

* 1. What is your current age?

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* 2. Where are you currently located? (Either include your town name or postcode)

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* 3. How would you best describe your gender identity?

Question Title

* 4. How would you best describe your marital status?

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* 5. How would you best describe your employment status?

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* 6. How would you best describe your education level?

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* 7. How would you best describe your sexual orientation?

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* 8. How would you best describe your family and/or living circumstances? (children, partner, care arrangements, residential living, aged care, etc.)

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* 9. How would you best describe your cultural background?

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* 10. How would you best describe your health and wellbeing?

Question Title

* 11. How would you best describe your socio-economic status? Please respond in relation to your perception.

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* 12. Do you identify as a First Nations Australian and/or Torres Strait Islander person?

Question Title

* 13. Apart from English, in which language(s), if any, could you have a conversation about a lot of everyday things?

Question Title

* 14. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your identity?

Question Title

* 15. Health and Wellbeing.

Compared to others your age, how would you rate your own physical health?

Question Title

* 16. Health and Wellbeing.

Have you ever experienced any physical health conditions/do you identify as having a physical disability? If so, please elaborate if you feel comfortable to do so.

Question Title

* 17. Health and Wellbeing.

Compared to others your age, how would you rate your own mental health?

Question Title

* 18. Health and Wellbeing.

Have you ever experienced any mental health concerns? If so, please elaborate if you feel comfortable to do so.

Question Title

* 19. Health and Wellbeing.

What benefits, if any, to your physical, mental and/or emotional health do you gain from participating in sport, exercise or physically active recreation?

Question Title

* 20. Health and Wellbeing.

Do you experience any issues or barriers with your physical health, mental and/or emotional health and wellness from participating in sport, exercise or physically active recreation? If yes, please explain with examples, or if not, why not?

Question Title

* 21. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

We consider exercise to be any physical activity carried out by participants. This might include organised sports and physical activities (such as football, tennis, yoga, Pilates, etc.), leisure activities (such as walking and gardening) and any other similar physical activity that you may engage in.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

How often would you exercise or engage in physical activity?

Question Title

* 22. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

What time(s) of day do you typically engage in physical activity, exercise and/or sport. (You may select more than more response to this question)

Question Title

* 23. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

What is the average duration of each exercise session that you engage in?

Question Title

* 24. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

What type/s of exercise or physical activity do you regularly participate in? (You may select more than more response to this question)

Question Title

* 25. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Can you explain your involvement in organised sports or sporting clubs (over the last three months)?

Question Title

* 26. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Can you explain some of the social benefits that you gain from participating in physical activity, exercise or sports?

Question Title

* 27. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Have you felt welcomed and included at all physical activities and/or sports that you have been involved in? Please explain why or why not.

Question Title

* 28. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport/Social Connections.

Do you participate in any sports and/or physical activities for reasons connected to your identity/ies (this might include gender, culture, age, body, (dis)ability, race, sexuality, age-group, health status, social circle, etc.). Can you explain why or why not?

Question Title

* 29. Sleep.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

What is your average sleep duration per night?

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* 30. Sleep.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

How would you rate your sleep quality? (1 being extremely poor, 2 poor, 3 fair; 4 good and 5 high quality)

1. Extremely poor sleep quality Fair sleep quality 5. High quality sleep
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 31. Sleep.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

Are there any factors that affect your sleep quality and duration? (consider positive and negative influences)

Question Title

* 32. Sleep.

Considering your normal routine in a 7-day period:

Do you consider yourself an:

Question Title

* 33. Weight Stigma & Diet Culture.

How would you rate your own diet?

Question Title

* 34. Weight Stigma & Diet Culture.

How would you describe your typical eating patterns?

Question Title

* 35. Weight Stigma & Diet Culture.

Do you experience food cravings? If so, what kinds of food would you normally crave and at what times of the day?

Question Title

* 36. Weight Stigma & Diet Culture.

How do you feel about your current eating habits?

Very satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 37. Weight Stigma and Diet Culture.

How do you feel about your current weight?

Very satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 38. Weight Stigma and Diet Culture.

Have you ever felt judged in relation to your weight or pressured to change your weight?

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* 39. Weight Stigma and Diet Culture.

Have you ever felt judged in relation to your eating patterns or pressured to change your eating patterns?

Question Title

* 40. Neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity refers to the different ways that people’s brains process information, and experience and interact with the world around them. While the term ‘neurodivergent’ is often used in the context of individuals who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), neurodiversity refers broadly to the diversity of all people (Oxford University, 2024).

Do you identify as neurodivergent? Please elaborate. (If no, please move onto qn 43)

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* 41. Neurodiversity.

What effect has your neurodivergence had on your overall health and wellbeing?

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* 42. Neurodiversity.

What strategies do you use to support your health and wellbeing in relation to your neurodivergence? Please elaborate.

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* 43. Ageing.

Have you noticed any changes to your physical health as you age? If so, please elaborate if you feel comfortable to do so.

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* 44. Ageing.

Have you noticed any changes to your mental health as you age? If so, please elaborate if you feel comfortable to do so.

Question Title

* 45. Ageing.

Have you noticed any changes to your exercise engagement and physical activity patterns as you age? If so, please elaborate if you feel comfortable to do so.

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