2022-2023 NFSTAC Office Hours Feedback

1.How many sessions did you attend in the Office Hours series between October 2022 and June 2023?(Required.)
2.Which of the following sessions was most useful to you in your work?(Required.)
3.Which of the topics discussed in this Office Hours series would you like to hear more about in a webinar, workshop, or other longer event?(Required.)
4.What new topics would you like to learn about in our next Office Hour series, focused on supporting the  family peer workforce?(Required.)
5.Did you have a mentor or a mentee during this Office Hour series?(Required.)
6.If you answered yes to the question above, how did your mentorship go?
7.How can we improve the Office Hour series? 
Please note that Office Hours are intentionally a one-hour event to introduce a topic and start a conversation. Our 90-minute webinar series dives deeper into topics the audience wants to hear more about!