Workshop 2: Malibu Coastal Vulnerability Assessment

Community Input

Climate change and sea-level rise are projected to impact communities across the globe. Malibu’s Coastal Vulnerability Assessment was undertaken to provide the community details on existing coastal conditions in Malibu and highlight the future vulnerability of the City’s built and natural coastal resources and assets to projected sea-level rise, tidal inundation, storm flooding, and coastal erosion.

The City of Malibu is seeking the community's input on the next steps after receiving the technical results. Access the draft Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Report and Interactive GIS Map at the Malibu coastal webpage.
1.What specific studies or considerations would you like to be considered in the City's next steps on adaptation? (Options listed below are community input from the workshop. Feel free to comment with additional or similar ideas)

  • Summarize research and regional adaptation efforts
  • Compile relevant adaptation measures for Malibu vulnerabilities and prioritize near term options to study further
  • Inventory and evaluate potential effects of adaptation on sensitive habitats/environments
  • Explore changes to local planning codes/zoning
  • Identify next steps for adaptation implementation
  • Outline process for public versus private adaptation
  • Evaluate each location in Malibu individually
2.How can the City work with local communities, scientists, and stakeholders to develop a comprehensive strategy for adapting to sea level rise? (Options listed below are community input from the workshop. Feel free to comment with additional or similar ideas)

  • Work closely with property/home owners
  • Host workshops with local community to communicate process
  • Engage and coordinate approaches with other agencies (e.g. CalTrans, LA County Beaches and Harbors)
  • Beach pop-ups to educate/gather feedback
  • Engage inland communities
  • Engage homeowners associations and community leaders, include a representative for each beach/area in Malibu when exploring adaptation options
  • Engage and educate new residents
  • Engage local clubs, groups and community organizations, including Pepperdine students
3.What specific Next Steps do you think the City of Malibu should take with regards to sea level rise adaptation? (Please note that the Next Steps will be presented to City Council for further direction.)
4.Is there additional input or feedback you would like to provide regarding the Malibu Coastal Vulnerability Assessment? Comment here or reach out at or 310-456-2489 ext. 390.