Member Survey

Member Survey


As you are aware, Covid -19 has affected many businesses, organizations, and individuals.  One of the biggest questions is how do we move forward in this “new normal” in our daily lives and activities? As a brother Knight, you should know that our Council has been greatly affected as well, particularly in the areas of time, talent, and treasure.   That said, we are asking each Brother of our Council to take a few minutes to complete this survey to help us plan our activities and charitable programs as we move into 2022. 

Your answers will remain anonymous and will give us some real insight into how we can move forward with new activities, more membership participation, and where our charity is most needed.  Please complete the questions below, based on your personal situation as it exists today, and submit your survey when completed.  We appreciate your help and cooperation in advance, and we will report back to our membership what we have learned and how we will continue to support Holy Sepulcher Church, the Parish community, and our members and families.
1.How long have you been a member of Council 10175?
2.How often to you try to attend meetings?
3.If you attend a Council meeting less than 2 times per year, other than “too busy”, why do you find it difficult to attend meetings?
4.Aside from the meetings, how often do you participate/volunteer in Council activities/events (fish fry, pig roast, events in conjunction with Church events, etc.)?
5.What can our Council do to make it easier for you (and family members) to participate/volunteer in future activities/events?
6.Other than the Fish Fry and Pig Roast, what other activities would be of interest to you?(Check all that apply):
7.Would you be interested in becoming an officer in the Council to help shape the Council’s ongoing activities/events, promote our charitable works, developing membership opportunities, and community alliances?
8.What other suggestions/ideas would you have for our Council to consider at this time?