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Question Title

* 1.
On a scale of 1-10 how helpful do you think the destination pages are for potential visitors? /

Missingersoruk 1’mit – 10´mut, ornitassat pillugit quppernerit takornariarumaartussanut qanoq iluaqutaatigisinnaanersut? /

På en skala fra 1-10 hvor hjælpsom synes du, at destinationssiderne er for potentielle besøgende?

1 = Not helpful at all 10 = Extremely helpful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2.
What do you like most about the destination pages? /
Hvad kunne du bedst lide ved siderne? /
Quppernerni taakkunani suna iluarinerpaaviuk?

Question Title

* 3.
What do you like least about the destination pages? /
Quppernerni taakkunani suna iluarinnginnerpaaviuk? /
Hvad kunne du mindst lide ved destinationssiderne?

Question Title

* 4.
Do you have any suggestions or anything you would like to add? /
Siunnersuutissaqarpiit imaluunniit ilassutissaqarpiit? /
Har du nogen forslag, eller er der noget, du ønsker at tilføje?

0 of 4 answered