August 2022: Delivery & Logistics Survey

1.How satisfied are you with the service across all delivery and logistics providers? (Van Kam, BDL, Direct Tap, Container World, couriers, etc)
2.Generally how satisfied are you with each of the following delivery and logistics providers?
Van Kam
BC Liquor Distribution Branch
ContainerWorld / Commercial Logistics
Direct Tap
BDL (Brewers Distributor Limited)
ATS Healthcare
Fremont Distribution
Direct delivery from BC craft breweries, wineries, cideries, or distilleries
3.How many deliveries does your establishment receive in a typical week?
4.What are the most common challenges you experience across all delivery providers? Please select all that apply.
5.How many times do you experience the above delivery issues in a typical week?
6.Would you prefer to receive fewer, but larger, weekly deliveries?
7.Tell us why fewer deliveries would benefit you. Select all that apply.
8.Where is your business located?
9.Which of the following best describes your business?
10. Please share any other comments you have about your delivery and logistics experiences.