Understanding the Needs of Gay Men 40+ Living with HIV/AIDS

Your voice counts! PWA is introducing a Gay Men’s 40+ needs assessment to help us understand how we are meeting the needs of Gay Men 40+ living with HIV/AIDS, what you feel we are doing well, and what improvements you would like to see at PWA.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been a Community Member at PWA?

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* 2. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. How do you identify?

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* 5. What is your gender identity?

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* 6. Overall, how helpful are the following programs and services in supporting you to meet your needs?

If you have not accessed the program in the past one year, please select "Not applicable."

If you have never accessed the program, please also select "Not applicable."

  Very helpful Helpful Somewhat helpful Not helpful Not applicable
Essentials Market
Food Delivery
Financial Assistance
Case Worker
Massage, Acupuncture
Dental Hygienist
Ear clinic
Eye Clinic
Help with Accessing Medication
Holiday Bags
Starry Nite holiday party
Art Programs(Open studio, Expressive Arts, Art Therapy)
Pet Program
Hair cuts
Peer Support

Question Title

* 7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the range of programs PWA offers?

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* 8. Are there any programs or services that you would like to see offered at PWA?

Question Title

* 9. Please tell us how much you agree with the following Statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel welcome at PWA
I feel safe at PWA
I feel confident that PWA keeps my personal information private
I feel a sense of Community at PWA
My ability to connect with other people living with HIV at PWA is important to me
When I come to PWA, I can access services from other agencies I need the most
PWA is a place I can learn and gain new skills
I feel that I can get involved in PWA programs if I want to
PWA programs and services strengthen my ability to take care of myself
PWA programs and services strengthen my ability to support my health
I feel like I am heard when I give give feedback or share ideas at PWA
I feel comfortable asking PWA staff for support if I need it

Question Title

* 10. What do you like about coming to PWA?

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* 11. If PWA was to have a regular men's group would you be interested in attending any of the following: (Rate by 1 being most likely , 10 being less likely)

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* 12. What do you think PWA is doing well?

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* 13. Is there anything you would like to see PWA do differently?

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* 14. Do you have any final comments or feedback you would like to share?

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* 15. There are times where it is helpful to us to be able to use anonymous quotes and stories to talk about the work that PWA does, show how it impacts our Community Members, and to provide examples of some of the key issues faced by people living with HIV/AIDS.

Examples of how these quotes and stories might be used include presentations that we give in the community, meetings with community partners, government, and health care providers, applications for funding and our annual report.

Any quotes we use are completely anonymous and there is no way to identify the person who provided the information.

Do we have your permission to use exact quotes taken from your responses to this survey?