Please share your experiences (all questions are optional and anonymous)

The Unicorn Foundation is hoping to determine how many Australian NET patients are currently being charged or not charged for their Gallium PET scans. Information you provide is anonymous and de-identified, however, is invaluable in helping us advocate for greater access for all NET patients to this vital service at no charge.

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* 1. Where is your primary tumour?

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* 2. Are you a public or private patient

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* 3. Have you paid for a Gallium 68 PET scan in last 12 months?

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* 4. If yes, how much were you out of pocket (per scan)?

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* 5. Where was the scan performed? (e.g. Public hospital, private hospital, private radiology clinic etc.)

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* 6. Name of doctor who ordered the scan

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* 7. Your postcode

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* 8. Thank you for your feedback. Is there anything else you would like to add?