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Professional Practice Standards: Public Consultation

CRPO is seeking feedback on draft revised Professional Practice Standards.
The original standards were approved in 2014. Work on updating the standards has been ongoing since 2021 with the goal of ensuring they adequately protect the public, reflect evolving evidence, are fair to registrants and applicable across practice areas.
The document containing a summary of changes as well as the full draft revised standards can be accessed here.
Please provide feedback by completing this survey by September 17. Feedback will be posted publicly. Personally identifying information will be removed except for individuals writing on behalf of organizations, e.g., psychotherapy professional associations or education programs.
1.I am:
2.How often do you access the standards?
3.Indicate how the draft revised standards meets the criteria below:
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Prefer not to answer
Protects the public from harm
Sets reasonable minimum expectations for the profession
Is applicable to a wide variety of practice settings
Is easy to understand
Fair to RPs
4.Is there any specific feedback you would like to provide on the standards as a whole, or on specific standards?