Tell Us About Your Sleep Question Title * 1. How often do you have trouble sleeping? Almost every night, dammit A few nights a week A few nights a month Almost never, I snooze like a baby Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. On average, how much sleep to you get per night? Three hours or less Four to five hours Six to seven hours Eight hours or more OK Question Title * 3. Are you sleeping better or worse than you were 10 years ago? Better About the same Worse OK Question Title * 4. What keeps you from sleeping well? Check all that apply. Night sweats Body aches and pains Noisy environment Partner's snoring Sleep apnea Other medical conditions or illnesses Bad dreams Anxiety about my family Anxiety about money or job Anxiety about sleep itself Anxiety about the country and the world A general sense of dread Brain won't shut down PTSD No problem sleeping Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Which of the following best describes your main sleep issue? I have trouble falling asleep at night I have trouble staying asleep. I wake up too early and can't get back to sleep I wake up several times during the night, making for choppy sleep I have very light sleep, so I never feel entirely rested Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. How much does your sleep issue impact the quality of your life? Hardly at all Minor annoyance Frequent problem Major disturbance OK Question Title * 7. How do you treat your sleep problems? Check all that apply Over the counter sleeping medication, such as Unisom Prescription sleeping medication, such as Ambien Homeopathic sleep medication, such as melatonin Anti-anxiety medication Alcohol Marijuana Exercise and/or Yoga Meditation Visits to a sleep specialist Hypnotism CPAP Machine Giving up or limiting caffeine Giving up or limiting alcohol Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. How do you cope the day after a bad night's sleep? Check two that most apply to you. Find time for a proper nap Go through the day grumpy Hold out hope that the next night's sleep will be better Drink lots of coffee/caffeine Fall asleep in meetings or in other inappropriate places Limit my driving for fear I could nod off Take some type of medication to help me get through the day, either OTC or prescription Cry a lot Cancel activities for that night so I can go to sleep early Eat lots of chocolate Cancel any rigorous exercise Exercise harder Curse the sleep gods Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What is your best advice for those dealing with insomnia? OK Question Title * 10. If you've visited a sleep specialist, what did you learn? OK Question Title * 11. How do you think menopause has contributed to your sleep issues? OK Question Title * 12. What questions would you like an expert to answer about sleep and insomnia? OK Question Title * 13. Your name OK Question Title * 14. Your email address please. OK DONE