You are cordially invited to attend the Fox Graduate School, Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs (OGEEP), and Gender Equity Center invite you to attend the Graduate Empowerment and Equity Series! Details are as follows:

Graduate Empowerment and Equity Series
- Program 1: Setting Boundaries and Building Healthy Relationships (September 25)
- Program 2: Lend a Hand: Supporting Your Friends in Crisis (October 23)

TIME: 12:00-1:00 p.m. (both programs)
LOCATION: 107 Pasquerilla (Memorial Lounge)

We look forward to your participation! Should you need additional information, email Dr. Brittany Frederick ( or call (814)-863-1663.

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* 1. Provide your first and last name.

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* 2. Provide your UNIVERSITY ( email address.

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* 3. Please select the program(s) you plan on attending for the Graduate Empowerment and Equity Series.

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* 4. Indicate your college affiliation.

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* 5. Gender/gender identity:

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* 6. The categories listed below may not represent your full identity or employ the language you use. For the purpose of this survey, please indicate which group(s) most accurately describes your racial/ethnic identification. Mark all that apply.

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* 7. Indicate your university affiliation.

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* 8.  Please indicate any dietary restrictions.