Self-Love/Self-Esteem Evaluation Question Title * 1. I think that overall, I am a confident person with high self-esteem. I agree. I somewhat agree. I disagree. I somewhat disagree. Question Title * 2. I feel devastated or like a complete failure when someone criticizes me. I feel this way most of the time. I sometimes feel this way. I disagree with this statement. Question Title * 3. If someone ever falls in love with me or if a person wants to be my friend, I better do my best to prove myself worthy, because it may never happen again. I agree. I disagree. Question Title * 4. I could disappear from the surface of the earth and nobody would notice or care. I agree with this statement. I disagree with the statement. Sometimes I feel this way and other days I do not. Question Title * 5. When I look in the mirror (first thing in the morning) I... like what I see and do not want to make any changes. do no like what I see at all. am generally happy with my appearance although I could use some improvement and will work on those improvements. am happy with my appearance AFTER I put myself together or put on makeup, but not beforehand. Question Title * 6. I am happy with the person I have become. I am happy with my life and who I have become. My life sucks. I suck. I hate myself and who I have become. I am not happy with my life and who I have become, but I am actively working on making a positive change. Question Title * 7. If someone asks me to do something and I do not want to do it or do not feel up to it, I... do it anyway because I have a hard time saying no. do not do things I do not want to do unless I decide otherwise, not out of pressure. Question Title * 8. I often worry about what people think of me. I do not care what others think of me but I welcome feedback that will help me improve myself or my relationship with others in a positive way. I wonder what people think of me to the point that I do not want to be myself out of fear, rejection or worried that someone will poke fun at my thoughts, feelings, ideas, or fashion sense. I do not care what anyone thinks of me and no one else's opinions matter but mine. Question Title * 9. I do not feel worthy of love or respect. I agree with this statement. I disagree with this statement. Question Title * 10. I love myself enough to walk away from a relationship/friendship where I feel mistreated or betrayed. Relationships/friendships are hard to come by so I would be hesitant to leave, especially if I invested too much time. Because I invest my time and energy to build relationships/friendships, I will leave if the person gives me less than I deserve. It is better to have a relationship/friendship than being lonely. Mistreatment and betrayal is a part of relationships, therefore, I will stay to prove my loyalty. Page1 / 1 100% of survey complete. Done