Ideate, Debate and Create the Future of Healthcare - Digital Health

Dear Healthcare Leader,

I wish you a fabulous year ahead.

Thanks for making the Global Digital Health Summit the most impactful summit on Digital Health. Last year, we were nearly sold out, and this year, we are hosting the summit on 19-20-21st September at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai, India. The goal for this year’s summit is to help prepare clinicians, pharma companies, hospitals, MedTech companies, and entrepreneurs to navigate the massive disruptions expected in the immediate future.

Given the profile of the leaders from across the globe gracing the summit, we have now prioritised opening registrations for those who are part of the Digital Health Ecosystem (done courses from the Academy of Digital Health Sciences, members of the Health Parliament, and the International Patients’ Union ), followed by those who have attended the previous summits. If seats remain, we will open them for those who have done the pre-registration.

Please complete this form, and our team will contact you as soon as the seats are available for registration.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

With best regards,

Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, PhD
Summit Chair