In order for us to improve our Host Home Programs (HHPs), we need your feedback. Whether you are currently in a host home, soon to move out, or have already moved out (regardless of how long ago), we ask you to tell us what you think by completing this survey. Individual responses will not be seen by the HHPs staff. Responses will be grouped together without identifying information to better inform our work. Responses/quotes may be used anonymously by Avenues communications team.  

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently living in a host home?

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* 2. If yes, in which program?

Question Title

* 3. How did you first learn about the Host Home Program(s)?

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* 4. How long was it between the time you first applied to be in the HHP and when you moved into a host home?

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* 5. If you lived in more than one host home, how many host homes did you live in, and how long did you live in each one (approximately)?
If you lived in only one host home, please skip this question.

Question Title

* 6. At the time you entered the HHP, what were the issues that caused you the most stress?  Please check all that applied to you and/or your family.

Question Title

* 7. At the time you entered the HHP, what brought you the most joy?

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us how you feel or what you think at this time (there are NO right or wrong answers).

  Yes, definitely true Somewhat true Not true N/A
I think my case manager referred me to the HHP at the right time for me.
I think I applied to be in the HHP at the right time for me.
I think my first host home is / was a good match for me.
The check-ins with my Host(s), HHP Manager (Ashley or Ryan) and Case Managers (Rosie or Kelly) are / were helpful.
I feel safe in my host home.
I feel safer in my community.
I am / was able to make decisions about my own life while in the HHP.
I care about people in my life.
My relationship with my family of origin is important to me.