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* 1. Thinking about all the parcels you own, how many forested acres do you own?

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* 2. How many years has your land been in your family?

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* 3. Do you live on your property?

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* 4. If you do not live on your property, how often per year do you visit it?

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* 5. Where is your land located?

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* 6. In casual conversation, how do you tend to refer to the trees on your land?

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* 7. What are your biggest concerns for your land? 

  Very concerned Somewhat concerned Somewhat unconcerned Not at all concerned No opinion
Insect and disease
General forest/tree health
Condition of wildlife habitat
Leaving my land better than when I got it
Passing my land on to someone who will care for it as I have
Other (please specify below)

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* 8. If you selected "other" please specify below.

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* 9. What types of forest information and resources would help you in addressing your concerns about your land? (check all that apply)

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* 10. What types of forest stewardship activities have you been a part of? (check all that apply)

  Have done in last 5 years Currently doing this Not doing this Not Applicable for my property
Read informational materials on land/forest management
Attend informational events on land/forest management
Attend workshops or training events on land/forest management
Follow a written land management plan
Meet with a forester or other professional land manager
Remove trees to improve forest health
Control spread of invasive weeds
Plant trees
Participate in a land improvement cost-share or grant program 
Remove trees or vegetation growing near my home 
Manage for wildlife habitat
Put my property under conservation easement
Create or enhance recreation opportunities on my property 

Question Title

* 11. How likely is it that you will continue or initiate the following activities in the next 5 years?

  Very likely  Likely  Unlikely Not at all likely Not sure
Read informational materials on land/forest management
Attend informational events on land/forest management
Attend workshops or training events on land/forest management
Follow a written land management plan
Meet with a forester or other professional land manager
Remove trees to improve forest health
Control spread of invasive weeds 
Plant trees
Participate in a land health cost-share or grant program
Remove trees or vegetation growing near my home 
Manage for wildlife habitat
Put my property under conservation easement
Enhance recreation opportunities on my property 

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* 12. What factors might prevent you from doing the stewardship activities that you want on your property? (check all that apply)

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* 13. Thank you for your help shaping this program! If you'd like to receive information once we have the program up and running, please provide us with your contact information. Your responses will still remain anonymous.