We want to continue the conversation around sexual abuse and sexual violence beyond this campaign week – even into the next General Election.  If you could take a few minutes to answer the questions on this survey, it will help us shape our work, communications and campaigns over the next year.  It is fine to answer some, any or all the questions on what you feel is relevant.

We do not ask for any personal information.  Any answers you do give will be anonymous and we will not be able to trace your answers back to you.  Survey responses will be kept for up to 6 months after which time they will be deleted.  You can read our Privacy Policy here. This survey is for people aged 18+ living in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire only.

While these questions are very general, we are aware that the subject can be upsetting.  You are free to leave the survey at any time.  Support information can be found at the top of each page and at the end.

Support is available from 
Nottingham/Nottinghamshire 24 hr domestic and sexual violence helpline 0808 800 0340  
Notts SVS Helpline 0115 941 0440 (not 24 hours) 
National 24 hr Rape and Sexual Abuse Helpline 0808 500 2222

Question Title

* 1. I am completing this survey:

Question Title

* 2. We spend a lot of our time highlighting issues around sexual violence and abuse.  Is there anything on this issue you would really like us to cover in future?

Question Title

* 3. What ways would you prefer to find out information about sexual violence or abuse?

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* 4. What do you think are the most important messages survivors need to know about sexual violence and abuse?

Question Title

* 5. What are important messages that the general public need to hear about sexual violence and abuse? 

Question Title

* 6. What do you think are the most important things survivors are looking for in services that offer support around sexual violence and abuse?

Question Title

* 7. It will be the Nottingham/Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner elections in May 2024.  What would you like to hear from the different candidates on sexual abuse and sexual violence?

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* 8. A General Election is due to take place at some point in the next 12 months.  What commitments would you like to hear from the different parties on sexual abuse and sexual violence?

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* 9. If you have contacted our service or accessed support from us what was the best thing about your experience

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* 10. If you have contacted our service or accessed support from us, what was the most challenging thing about your experience with us

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* 11. Is there anything else that would stop you accessing a service such as ours, if it was needed? 

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* 12. To help us understand your answers, it would really help us if you complete the following questions about your demographic data, although you can choose to skip to the end.