Maui High C/O 2002 - Reunion Interest Survey
Responses Requested by Jan. 31, 2022

1.Currently, there is no Class of 2002 Reunion Committee. Would you be interested in serving on a committee to help plan a reunion?
2.If a reunion is organized, please indicate what format(s) would work for you?
3.Keeping in mind cost and the reality of an ongoing global pandemic, where would you ideal reunion be held?
4.What would make a reunion fun or worthwhile for you?
5.If a reunion is held in person, what would be your comfort level in terms of price?
6.If a reunion is held in person, would you plan to bring your spouse/partner and/or children? 
7.In terms of scheduling, when would be a good time for you?
8.Anything else you would like to share?