The Kindness Institute (TKI) would appreciate your participation in this survey to help us understand how yoga can be more accessible to people and communities in need of support for their wellbeing throughout Aotearoa/ New Zealand. Your responses will help TKI with this research, which will support a project that will engage the current yoga community in an inclusive way. It will also extend tools for mental and emotional support to the wider community.

To learn more about The Kindness Institute, click here

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* 1. What ethnic group do you identify with? 

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* 2. Where did you first start practicing yoga?

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* 3. Do you feel that the yoga classes you attend are inclusive of people from different backgrounds?

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* 4. If not, why?

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* 5. Do you have any suggestions on how yoga classes can be more accessible to and inclusive of all people?

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* 6. Have you attended a yoga class that infused te reo, tikanga and/or te ao maori?

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* 7. If so, how did that make you feel? 

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* 8. If a yoga class incorporated te reo, tikanga and/or Te Ao Māori, would you be more willing to attend? 

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* 9. Would you be more willing to attend a yoga class if the teacher is Māori? 

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like to share? 

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* 11. Where did you hear about this survey?