Welcome to the 2019 Gleneagles Country Club Operational Survey
The enclosed questionnaire will give you an opportunity to offer your opinion about various aspects of the Club operations, amenities, and your membership experience. The survey is intended to be filled out individually - meaning one per person. If you share your Gleneagles home with a spouse or significant other, both individuals should complete the survey. There are also places where you can offer comments. Your honest opinions about the Club are very important to us as we endeavor to improve the quality of your membership experience and attract new members to the Club and Gleneagles community.
We assure you that your answers are confidential and that the Board will use only the aggregate findings to assess how satisfied members are with amenities and operations of the Club.
Please note that all questions require a response. If you have no opinion or have not used the service or amenity, please select the “no opinion” option. We need your completed survey by June 30, 2019.