We are all on a new quest to survive and thrive.  We are exploring a virtual workshop for 2020 featuring content that creates an ecosystem of support within the greeting card industry. Please share your ideas to help us build an event that suits everybody's needs. 

Be candid! All answers are anonymous however you will have an optional opportunity to include your name and email address at the end of the survey.

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* 1. Which of these describes your role in the industry?

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* 2. Which of the following is true for your company

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* 3. What is the general size of your company?

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* 4. Briefly describe the impact of COVID-19 on your business

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* 5. What product or process innovations did you explore or activate in response to COVID-19?

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* 6. Who do you rely on to stay positive and keep your spirits up? (we're trying to figure out the type of speaker or motivator that would appeal to you)

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* 7. Which of these topics are the most interesting to you? Pick no more than 5

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* 8. Is there anyone or a specific brand/publisher from within our industry who you would like to hear from?

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* 9. Are there any specific retailers you would like to hear from?

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* 10. How much time would you be likely to spend on a virtual workshop?

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* 11. What time zone are you in?

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* 12. What day or days of the week work best for you to attend a virtual workshop & retreat?

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* 13. How much would you be able to budget for a GCA virtual workshop with quality session topics and speakers?

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* 14. What would increase your desire to attend? (pick up to 3)

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* 15. Do you have any additional feedback for us?

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* 16. OPTIONAL * Tell us about yourself if you want!