Thank you for attending the Content Strategy Workshop. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to provide some feedback.

Question Title

1. Are you a MIMA member?

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2. Was the content presented useful to your job/career?

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3. How satisfied were you with these aspects of the event?

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisified
Workshop format
Content presented
Length of the workshop (3 hrs)
Ticket price
Event time (8-11am) 
Food and beverages provided at the event
Ease of parking

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4. Tell us what you thought of speaker Patty Radford Henderson.

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5. How can we make our workshops better in the future?

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6. If MIMA offers more workshops in the future, what topics would you like to see covered?

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7. Which event factors are most important to you? (Choose up to 3)

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8. At what level should MIMA events be presented?

Thanks for sharing your feedback! Remember to register for our Sept. 20 event "Breaking All the Social Media Rules" with Spike Jones.