Exit Newsletter Question Title * 1. Lammi Publishing is considering creating a monthly online newsletter/magazine devoted to Canadian military history, with short articles on various subjects in a quick and easy-to-read style, available for a modest monthly fee. Is this something you would be interested in subscribing to? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 2. What armed conflicts would you be interested in? Please select all that apply. Boer War WWI WWII Korean conflict Peacekeeping Operations Afghanistan Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What other topics would you like to see covered in the articles other than the conflicts specified above? Question Title * 4. How would you like to see citations or references handled? Endnote Short paragraph on sources with a further reading section Don’t care where the material comes from Question Title * 5. On average how long should the articles be? 250 words roughly one page double-spaced 500 words roughly 2 pages double-spaced 1000 words roughly 4 pages double-spaced 1500 words roughly 6 pages double-spaced Whatever the article needs/don’t care Question Title * 6. How many articles should each newsletter contain? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question Title * 7. Besides the articles, what else would you like to see included? Please select all that apply Opinion columns :/editorials Book reviews News and announcements Excerpts from Lammi Publishing publications Letters to the editor Trivia Classified ads Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How would you like to see the magazine delivered? Email Membership area of website No preference Question Title * 9. Would you pay more if advertisements were not included? Yes No No preference Question Title * 10. About how much would you be willing to pay monthly for this service? (Please enter the whole number of dollars you are willing to pay). Done