2025 GBI Board of Directors Application General Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name Title Company Work Address City/Town State/Province Country Email Address Direct Office Number Mobile Number Commitment & Interests Question Title * 2. Please share what makes GBI's mission meaningful to you. Question Title * 3. Can you participate in four remote, 90-minute board meetings plus one in-person, two-day Board meeting annually (typically in central USA)? Yes, I should be able to make most or all if polled in advance No Question Title * 4. Board members are asked to serve on at least one of GBI’s organizational committees, task groups, or councils. Please indicate the committees you are most inclined toward for participation. Select all that apply. Executive Committee Nominating & Governance Committee Finance & Audit Committee Standards & Rules Committee Government Engagement Committee Global Advisory Council Philanthropy Council Technology Strategy Task Group Assessments & Supporting Resources Task Group Strategic Growth Task Group GBI Consensus Body or Subcommittee (subject matter expert volunteer) I am unsure right now but look forward to learning more about each committee Please expound on any answers above: Question Title * 5. Board members typically dedicate one to three hours per month to GBI activities over a year, sometimes more if they are serving as an elected leader. How comfortable are you with this commitment? (This question pertains not only to your interest level but also to ensuring you have the support of your primary employer.) I am confident that I can support GBI with one to three hours of my time per month I will need to discuss this commitment with my primary employer but believe it’s doable I would like to discuss this commitment further before being certain I can commit Please expound on the above answer: Question Title * 6. Would your organization be willing to financially support GBI with an organizational membership? Yes Possibly No Roles & Responsibilities Fiduciary duty requires board members to be objective, unselfish, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and efficient. Board members, as stewards of GBI’s members’ and stakeholders’ trust, must act for the good of the organization and exercise reasonable care in collective decision making and avoid placing the organization under unnecessary risk. Board members also have a duty of loyalty, and this means that a board member must never use information learned as a member of the board for personal gain and must act in the best interests of GBI. Lastly, board members have a duty of care, which means they take care of GBI as a nonprofit by ensuring prudent use of assets, including facility, people, and goodwill.Please review GBI's Meetings Code of Conduct for additional details. Question Title * 7. As a Board member, we encourage active involvement, respectful dialogue, openness, and trust. Please select below as is most appropriate for you. Select all that apply. I am comfortable with these responsibilities. I am prepared to be supportive but am willing to state my opinions even if contrary. I appreciate GBI's community and culture that supports a diversity of perspectives. I understand how healthy, respectful dialogues (even if sometimes uncomfortable) contribute toward consensus-based decisions and better outcomes. I'd like to discuss further one or more of the above items or other issues related to roles and responsibilities of GBI Board members. Bringing Your Unique Value Question Title * 8. Please share the specific value you'd like to contribute as a GBI Board member (e.g., perspective, skills, connections, resources, expertise). Select all that apply. Accounting/CPA expertise Architecture/engineering/contracting (AEC) background Branding/trademarking expertise Capital/dealmaking/appraising expertise Codes development Community benefit projects Consensus processes Contacts/networking Curriculum Development Credentialing programs Data center asset class expertise Emerging professionals program experience Energy diversification Familiarity with applying AI in business Financial management Financing/investing expertise Fundraising and development Global expansion experience Governance and transparency expertise Grant writing Green building expertise Green Globes user Guiding Principles Compliance user Healthcare asset class expertise Health/wellness expertise Higher education asset class experience Journey to Net Zero user Legal experience Mergers/acquisitions expertise Philanthropy Public relations, communications Real estate development/management experience Research expertise Resilience expertise Social responsibility Standards development Strategic thinker and/or thought leadership Technology/AI expertise Trade association experience University connections Volunteer or volunteer management experience Please expound on any of the above responses. Question Title * 9. How will your background/experience help us achieve our organizational goals? Question Title * 10. What challenges do you anticipate GBI and its Board may face in the next three years? GBI's Place in the Market Question Title * 11. GBI desires diverse perspectives on where GBI fits in the market. Which of these statements describe you? Select all that apply. I understand GBI’s history and “DNA.” I use GBI’s tools today and understand its niche in today’s market. I’m a trend watcher and want to help shape future tools and services. I am new to GBI and its market but have valuable skills and want to volunteer my time for an organization focused on sustainability, health and wellness, and resilience. GBI's Markets Question Title * 12. GBI desires diverse perspectives on where GBI fits in the market. Which of these statements describe you? Select all that apply. I have experience with global expansion of an organization or business. I understand the U.S. market. I understand the Canada market. I understand the European market. I understand the Mexico market. I understand the Central American market. I understand the South American market. I understand the Middle Eastern market. I understand the China market. Other (please specify) Board Demographics A primary principle for GBI is fostering respectful and inclusive communities. We invite you to share the ways that you self-identify so that we may respect and honor your unique perspective in creating a balance of viewpoints through our Board recruitment efforts. Question Title * 13. Of what country/region are you a resident? USA Canada Mexico Europe Central America South America Asia Africa Middle East Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Do you speak any languages in addition to English? Yes No Prefer not to answer Please specify which other languages you speak. Question Title * 15. With what gender do you identify? Woman Man Gender non-conforming Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 16. Which of the following are your preferred pronouns? She, her, hers He, him, his They, them, their Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 17. Please select the age group that applies to you. 75+ 65 to 74 60 to 64 55 to 59 45 to 54 35 to 44 24 to 34 Prefer not to answer Question Title * 18. Please select the racial or ethnic categories that best describe you. Black or Sub-Saharan African Origin Indigenous Origin East Asian South Asian Southeast Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern or North African Hispanic or Latina/Latino/Latinx White Prefer not to answer Question Title * 19. Do you identify with any of these terms? Bi-racial or multi-racial Other Prefer not to answer None of the above Please expound on your responses above: Question Title * 20. Please select the position level that is most equivalent to your employment or role. Entry level Mid-level Manager Director VP / Sr. VP President or C-level Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 21. Please list any other aspects of your preferences or self-identification you would like to share. Done