Medical Imaging Sharing- Survey

Patients need a way to swiftly transmit medical imaging to various healthcare providers who may work at separate hospitals/practices. Already grappling with health concerns, delays in sharing critical diagnostic data can prolong the anxiety of awaiting a diagnosis and treatment plan, potentially impacting their overall well-being and recovery journey.
1.On average, how often do you get medical imaging done (Ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, etc.)
2.What challenges do you face when sharing medical imaging with healthcare providers?
3.Have you encountered any obstacles while sharing medical imaging with multiple healthcare providers?
4.If yes, please specify the obstacles you have encountered.
5.What frustrates you the most about the current process of sharing your medical imaging?
6.What specific tools have you used to send medical imaging to healthcare providers? (apps, websites, etc.)
7.What systems do you use to keep track of your medical imaging?
8.Has difficulty transmitting images prevented you from receiving timely medical treatment?