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* 1. How did you attend the 2022 Annual Conference? * 

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate NCIL's 2022 Annual Conference on Independent Living? 

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* 3. How would you rate the onsite conference experience?

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* 4. How would you rate the conference website and virtual experience at this year's conference?

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* 5. Are you a member of NCIL? 

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* 6. Have you previously attended the NCIL Annual Conference? 

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* 7. Would you recommend next year’s NCIL Conference to your friends and colleagues? 

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* 8. What did you like most about NCIL's Annual Conference on Independent Living?

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* 9. What did you dislike most about NCIL's Annual Conference on Independent Living?

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* 10. What topic(s) would you like to see on the agenda for next year's conference?

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* 11. Please provide comments, challenges, or suggestions you have for NCIL's Annual Conference on Independent Living.

As part of NCIL ongoing effort to ensure diversity and growth, we are starting to ask demographic questions to better gauge the effect of our efforts towards becoming more diverse. These questions are completely optional and your responses are maintained with strict confidentiality.

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* 12. Ethnicity (please check all that apply):

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* 13. I identify as (please check all that apply):