MAP 11 Survey: Media I, English, and US History 

To help us plan for future years, complete the following survey. Please take this seriously - we value your input.
Overall MAP 11 Experience

Question Title

* 1. Day 1: What is America Project was (Marshmello towers)

Question Title

* 2. The Infographic Project

Question Title

* 3. Hamilton Day was

Question Title

* 4. The Video Poem

Question Title

* 5. The Group Research Paper assignment is

Question Title

* 6. The Documentary

Question Title

* 7. The MAP11 Field Trip to Rosie the Riveter Museum, OMCA, & Jack London Square was

Question Title

* 8. The guest speaker (Matt Hahn) and Mandatory Minimum punishment for imprisoned was

Question Title

* 9. American Story

Question Title

* 10. What is America - End of the Year Found Poem Project

Question Title

* 11. Final English/Media Self Choice Project

Question Title

* 12. Check all that apply: In English 11/History believe I gained significant academic skills in which of the following areas

Media Lab: General Questions

Question Title

* 13. Of the curricular media projects you worked on, which project did you learn the most through? Please elaborate skills learned in the comment schedule.

Question Title

* 14. Check all that apply: I believe I gained project/interpersonal skills in the following areas

Question Title

* 15. How well did you make use of the lab time?

Question Title

* 16. The number of curricular projects (media projects linked to English, U.S. History) in MAP 11 was

Question Title

* 17. How confident are you now with Illustrator?

Question Title

* 18. Provide your opinion on the following films & documentaries shown in MAP 11

  Excellent: Interesting, engaging, and made me think Strong: Kept my attention and added value to the class Average: Worthwhile to the class but not engaging MEH: Very little value added to the class Chuck It: What were you thinking showing that?! Didn't See It
12 Years a Slave
Great Gatsby
Forrest Gump
Just Mercy
Berkeley in the 60s

Question Title

* 19. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 1: America through poetry

Question Title

* 20. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 2: Slavery & It's Legacies (race and language articles & 12 Years a.Slave)

Question Title

* 21. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 3: The Past is Present (Kindred)

Question Title

* 22. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 4: America's dreams and paradoxes (Gatsby)

Question Title

* 23. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 5: Things They Carried

Question Title

* 24. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 6: Short Stories

Question Title

* 25. The skills and knowledge you gained from Unit 7: Namesake

Question Title

* 26. The 1920s Debate and Gatsby Roast were

Question Title

* 27. Overall, has your writing improved over the year?

Question Title

* 28. The homework load (reading and writing) in English this year was

Question Title

* 29. The rigor (difficulty level) of English this year was

Question Title

* 30. Overall, the English component of MAP for junior year is

Question Title

* 31. Are there any other comments or suggestions that you would like to make to Ms. Ritchie about the English component of MAP 11 that you didn't already share with her on her Namesake unit reflection?

US History/US History AP

Question Title

* 32. My perception about the workload difference between APUSH and USHistory is

Question Title

* 33. My impression of the Colonization to Civil War Unit was

Question Title

* 34. My impression of my family's immigration story project was

Question Title

* 35. My impression of the West, Gilded Age & Progressives was

Question Title

* 36. My Impression of the Imperialism, WW1, and 1920s unit was

Question Title

* 37. My Impression of the Vietnam unit in conjunction with the Things They Carried

Question Title

* 38. My Impression of the 1930s/Depression unit in conjunction with the Grapes of Wrath and Dorothea Lange photos

Question Title

* 39. My Impression of the WW2 Unit

Question Title

* 40. My Impression of the 1950s Unit and 1950s Day

Question Title

* 41. My Impression of the upheavals of the 1960s and Civil Rights Unit was

Question Title

* 42. My Impression of the upheavals of the 1970s to the present unit was

Question Title

* 43. My impressions of classroom trials

Question Title

* 44. My impressions of classroom debates

Question Title

* 45. My impressions of hotseats

Question Title

* 46. My impressions of the classroom simulations (e.g. 1912 election simulation.)

Question Title

* 47. The examinations in US History and the debrief system if necessary were

Question Title

* 48. The rigor (difficulty level) of US History/APUSH was

Question Title

* 49. The homework load in US History

Question Title

* 50. The homework load in APUSH

Question Title

* 51. Check all that apply:  My overall impression of U.S. History/APUSH

Question Title

* 52. In terms of overall stress caused for U.S. History.APUSH compared to other academic solids (do not rank compared to non-P classes/if in AP rank compared to peer classes)

Question Title

* 53. Was the daily focus on current events helpful?

Question Title

* 54. Recognizing that this is a blended class, if you took APUSH, what would you recommend to change for APUSH test preparation next year?

Question Title

* 55. Are there any other comments or suggestions that you would like to make to Mr. Davey about U.S. History?

Question Title

* 56. English and US History are always looking for more opportunities to collaborate.  After taking the classes did you see opportunities to align that we might have missed?  Explain:

Question Title

* 57. Respond briefly to the following prompt: After taking MAP 11 I feel that I can make a difference in bettering the world. Yes/No Why?/Why not?

Question Title

* 58. I used to think . . . but now I think . . .

Question Title

* 59. In MAP, I was challenged by . . .

Question Title

* 60. One thing I learned about myself this year was . . .

Question Title

* 61. One thing I learned about the world this year was . . .

Thanks for completing the MAP 11 survey. Come visit us next year and have a great summer