TMD Survey Question Title * 1. What is your center’s level of trauma designation/verification? I II ACS III Ga State designated III IV Question Title * 2. What type of trauma center would you consider yourself to be? Rural Suburban Urban Question Title * 3. How robust do you consider your center’s participation in TQIP? Don’t submit data to TQIP Submit data, but don’t get much use from reports Submit data, review reports for overall performance status, rarely generate QI projects from reports Submit data, review reports, frequently generate QI projects from reports Question Title * 4. When receiving a trauma patient transferred to your center from a referring ED, rank encountered delays from longest to shortest: (1 = Longest, 5 = Shortest) Question Title * 5. When receiving a trauma patient transferred to your center from a referring ED, rank encountered delays from most common to least common: (1=Most Common, 5 =Least Common) Question Title * 6. When transferring a trauma patient from your ED to a higher level of care, rank encountered delays from longest to shortest:(1=Longest,4=Shortest) Question Title * 7. When transferring a trauma patient from your ED to a higher level of care, rank encountered delays from most common to least common: (1=Most Common,4=Least Common) Question Title * 8. How often does your center go on trauma diversion (complete diversion, not just for transfers in)? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Question Title * 9. How often does your center go on diversion for trauma transfers? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Question Title * 10. Who accepts your trauma transfers? Trauma Surgeons Only Trauma Surgeons or Surgical Speciality EM Physicians Transfer Center/Bed Control Other Other (please specify) Done