Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA) Application - Spring 2015

The goal of Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA) is to train members of fraternities and sororities so they can then positively influence their peers by challenging social norms that promote gender-based violence; understanding their connection to survivors of gender-based violence; and role modeling effective bystander interventions. The weekly meetings will explore issues of gender, privilege, social justice and how we can stop sexual assault and interpersonal violence, specifically within the Greek community.

Applications are due by January 28, 2015.

*Please Note - Under University Policy, the Women's Center and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL) staff are required to report information that we receive about sexual assaults, relationship violence, and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator/Office of Diversity and Equity. Therefore we may follow up to get more information about any incidents you may disclose. This information is reported to this office to ensure that survivors receive access to both on campus and off campus resources, as well as to track trends on campus in an effort to prevent future assaults. In addition, certain members of the Women's Center and OFSL staff, as well as staff within the Title IX Office, are required to share non-identifying information (neither the survivor's identity nor the assailant's identity will be disclosed) about the assault with the police as required by state and federal law. For more information on the University's Sexual Assault Response Policy, please visit the University's sexual violence website

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understand the obligations outlined above.