In January 2019, the Keene City Council adopted two sustainable energy goals for the community:
  1. 100% of electricity consumed in the City will come from renewable energy sources by the year 2030, and
  2. 100% of all thermal energy and energy used for transportation will come from renewable energy sources by the year 2050. 
The City is currently working on a sustainable energy plan to set a direction for the future and identify strategies and actions we, as a community, can take towards these goals. Your feedback will help shape the vision, goals, targets and actions of the plan. All information collected will be kept anonymous and will be used for planning purposes only.

For more information, please visit the project webpage or contact the City of Keene Community Development Department at (603) 352-5440.

Thank you for participating!

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* 1. What is the approximate size of the business you represent (# employees)?

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* 3. From where does your business purchase or procure its electricity?

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* 4. What fuel/energy source does your business primarily use to heat its building(s)?

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* 5. Using the slider below, please indicate how concerned your business is about the cost of energy.

Not at all concerned Neutral Very Concerned

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* 6. Does your business track its energy use?

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* 7. In the last 10 years, has your business made any energy efficiency upgrades or participated in a weatherization program to reduce energy use and/or save money?

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* 8. In the last 10 years, has your business purchased renewable energy or installed a renewable energy system (e.g. installed rooftop solar, installed a biomass heating system, purchased "green"/renewable electricity through a competitive energy supplier, etc.)?

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* 9. Does your business have energy or sustainability goals? (i.e. reduce energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase % renewable energy, etc.)

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* 10. Please, feel free to share any further comments below regarding energy use /sourcing for your business.

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* 11. If you would like to receive updates on this project, including future opportunities to provide feedback, please leave your contact information below. Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous.

100% of survey complete.