myFace Transforming Lives July 14 Webinar Survey

1.I am a:
2.As a result of participation in this webinar, to what degree do you agree with the following statement? I feel better prepared to manage insurance decisions and have a clearer understanding of what issues may arise related to craniofacial conditions.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
3.How would you rate each of the following:
Webinar content
Webinar format
Webinar discussion
4.What influenced your decision to attend? (Please select all that apply.)
5.Would you attend another program similar to this one?
6.What time of day is most convenient for you to participate in programs like this one? (Please select all that apply.)
7.How did you hear about this program? (Please select all that apply.)
8.If yes, what craniofacial differences are you interested in: (Please select all that apply.)
9.What craniofacial differences are you interested in learning more about? (Please select all that apply.)
10.Is there anything else you'd like to share or suggest about this program?