The Blackman Charter Township Planning Commission is updating the Township’s Master Plan and your input is crucial to its success. This Plan will serve as the guiding framework for our community’s development. We want to know what you think about living, working, and doing business in Blackman Township. You can complete the survey online at Blackman Township’s website or submitting a copy, as detailed below. All responses are confidential and anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. What three (3) things do you not want to see change in Blackman Charter Township?

The following questions ask about land use and the types of development that are allowed in different parts of the township, such as residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and recreational.

Question Title

* 2. Rank the following types of land uses, in order of importance with #1 being the most important, for the township.

  1. Residential
  2. Commercial
  3. Industrial
  4. Agricultural
  5. Recreational

Question Title

* 3. How do you think the mix of land uses in the township should be balanced?

  Need More Need Less Just Right

Question Title

* 4. Are there any specific areas of the township where you think certain types of land uses should be focused or restricted?

Question Title

* 5. What are your thoughts on the density of development in the township? Do you think there is enough, too much, or too little development?

Question Title

* 6. Are there any specific land use issues or challenges that you think the township should address?

Question Title

* 7. How do you think the township should balance the need for new development with the need to preserve open space and natural resources?

Question Title

* 8. Are there any specific land use policies or regulations that you think the township should consider adopting?

Question Title

* 9. How do you think the township should involve residents in the land use planning process?

Question Title

* 10. What do you think are the most important considerations when deciding where to locate different types of land uses in the township?

The following questions address the transportation needs of the township, including roads, public transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and other forms of transportation.

Question Title

* 11. How do you typically get around the township?

Question Title

* 12. Are there any transportation challenges or issues that you think the township should address?

Question Title

* 13. What are your thoughts on the current state of the township's road network? Is it sufficient, or are there areas that need improvement?

Question Title

* 14. What are your thoughts on the availability and quality of public transit in the township?

Question Title

* 15. Do you think the township has enough bike and pedestrian infrastructure? If not, what improvements would you like to see?

Question Title

* 16. How do you think the township should prioritize transportation projects and improvements?

Question Title

* 17. Are there any specific transportation policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting?

The following questions focus on strategies for promoting economic growth and stability in the township.

Question Title

* 18. What are your thoughts on the current state of the economy in the township?

Question Title

* 19. What industries or businesses do you think the township should focus on attracting or retaining?

Question Title

* 20. Are there any specific economic development challenges or issues that you think the township should address?

Question Title

* 21. How do you think the township should support and promote local businesses?

Question Title

* 22. Are there any specific economic development policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting?

Question Title

* 23. Are there any specific types of businesses or industries that you think the township should avoid or discourage?

Question Title

* 24. How do you think the township should balance the need for economic development with the need to protect the environment and preserve natural resources?

The following questions address the housing needs of the township, including the availability and affordability of different types of housing.

Question Title

* 25. What are your thoughts on the availability and affordability of housing in the township?

Question Title

* 26. What types of housing do you think the township should focus on providing?

Question Title

* 27. Are there any specific housing challenges or issues that you think the township should address?

Question Title

* 28. What do you think are the most important considerations when planning for housing in the township?

Question Title

* 29. Are there any specific housing policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting or eliminating?

Question Title

* 30. How do you think the township should balance the need for new housing with the need to preserve the existing neighborhoods?

Question Title

* 31. How do you think the community should address the housing needs of vulnerable populations, such as low-income households, seniors, and people with disabilities?

Question Title

* 32. How do you think the township should balance the need for affordable housing with the need to protect the character and quality of neighborhoods?

The following questions address the conservation and management of natural and cultural resources in the township such as parks, open spaces, natural areas, and historic sites.

Question Title

* 33. What types of natural and cultural resources do you think the township should prioritize protecting or enhancing?

Question Title

* 34. Are there any specific natural or cultural resources that you think the township should focus on preserving or restoring?

Question Title

* 35. Are there any specific natural or cultural resource policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting?

Question Title

* 36. How do you think the township should balance the need for development with the need to protect natural and cultural resources?

Question Title

* 37. How do you think the township should balance the need to protect natural and cultural resources with the need to provide recreational opportunities for residents?

The following questions address the infrastructure needs of the township, including utilities, public facilities, and other types of infrastructure.

Question Title

* 38. What are your thoughts on the current state of infrastructure in the township? (e.g. utilities, public facilities, etc.)

Question Title

* 39. Are there any specific infrastructure challenges or issues that you think the township should address?

Question Title

* 40. What types of infrastructure do you think the township should prioritize investing in?

Question Title

* 41. How do you think the township should finance infrastructure projects and investments?

Question Title

* 42. Are there any specific infrastructure policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting?

Question Title

* 43. How do you think the township should balance the need for new infrastructure with the need to maintain and upgrade existing infrastructure?

Question Title

* 44. How do you think the township should balance the need for infrastructure with the need to protect the environment and preserve natural resources?

The following questions address the types of community facilities and services that are available in the township, such as schools, libraries, and public safety facilities.

Question Title

* 45. What are your thoughts on the availability and quality of community facilities and services available in the township? (e.g. schools, libraries, and public safety facilities).

Question Title

* 46. Are there any specific community facilities that you think the township should prioritize investing in or improving?

Question Title

* 47. How do you think the township should finance community facilities and services?

Question Title

* 48. Are there any specific community facilities or services policies or initiatives that you think the township should consider adopting?

Question Title

* 49. How do you think the township should balance the need for new community facilities and services with the need to maintain and upgrade existing ones?

Question Title

* 50. How do you think the township should balance the need for community facilities and services with the need to protect the environment and preserve natural resources?

Question Title

* 51. How do you think the township should address community service needs of vulnerable populations, such as low-income households, seniors, and people with disabilities?

Question Title

* 52. Please rate the following community facilities:

  Excellent Good Average Neutral Poor Very Poor
Traffic enforcement by Blackman-Leoni Public Safety
Crime prevention by Blackman-Leoni Public Safety
Emergency response by Blackman-Leoni Public Safety
Overall, how would you rate Blackman Charter Township as a place to live?
Please share the following general demographic information about yourself.

Question Title

* 53. What is your relationship to Blackman Charter Township?

Question Title

* 54. What is your age?

Question Title

* 55. Where do you work?

Question Title

* 56. What is your average commute mileage each way?

Question Title

* 57. Where do / did your children attend school?

Question Title

* 58. What services or needs do you frequently find yourself seeking or obtaining outside of the Township?

Question Title

* 59. What do you think would make Blackman Charter Township better?

Question Title

* 60. Please share any additional comments in the space provided.