Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
Educational Modules Interest Form

The Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI)'s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program was specifically developed as a holistic approach to elevate safety and incorporate smart solutions in the school transportation process.

In order to successfully educate and encourage safe and active transportation to and from school for Denver communities, the SRTS program created a series of four education modules and trained six DPS school teacher SRTS Champions from 3 elementary schools to beta test these modules through the Advancing a Culture of Active Transportation in Schools (ACATS) grant program, funded by the Colorado Department of Transportation. The modules cover foundational safety training topics in transportation-related child safety.

These modules are now available to Denverites looking to teach and learn about multimodal transportation safety for young folks in Denver. Fill out the interest form below to receive your link to download the modules. 
1.How did you hear about the SRTS Educational Modules?
2.Select the option that best describes your role:
3.Where are you/your school located?
4.Which of the educational modules are you most interested in using? Select all that apply.
5.We will provide a link where you can download and access the SRTS educational modules upon submitting this survey. Please provide your email address:(Required.)