Is OPTIMUS Producer Partners a fit for your business?

Our commitment to our partner advisors is to improve their sales success with support from the time they open a conversation with a prospect until that prospect becomes a premium paying client.  In return, we expect a high level of professionalism and engagement from our partner advisors.
We'd like to know more about you and your business to see if we might be a fit for each other

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* 1. What is the current focus of your business?

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* 2. How many clients do you currently have in your business?

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* 3. Do you currently do paid advertising or marketing?

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* 4. Do you have any existing joint venture or referral partners?

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* 5. How much life insurance target premium have you sold in the last 24 months?

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* 6. What are the main life insurance companies you are currently selling?

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* 7. How much annuity premium have you sold in the last 24 months?

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* 8. What are the main annuity companies you are currently selling?

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* 9. Your name, email address & phone number