LitFest New West 2015 Question Title * 1. Contact Name Email Address Question Title * 2. Overall, how would you rate LitFest New West 2015? Excellent Very good Fairly good Mildly good Not good at all Question Title * 3. What did you like about LitFest New West 2015? Question Title * 4. What did you dislike about LitFest New West 2015? Question Title * 5. As a free event, how much value did LitFest offer? A great deal of value A lot of value A moderate amount of value Little value Almost no value at all Question Title * 6. How friendly/helpful were the volunteers? Extremely friendly/helpful Very friendly/helpful Somewhat friendly/helpful Slightly friendly/helpful Not at all friendly/helpful Question Title * 7. Were the LitFest workshop lengths (approximately 50 minutes) too long, too short, or about right? Much too long Somewhat too long Slightly too long About right Slightly too short Somewhat too short Much too short Question Title * 8. Were there enough workshops at LitFest? Too many Just right Not enough Question Title * 9. Should a future LitFest have programming for for children/youth? Yes No I don’t know Question Title * 10. Do you have any suggestions to improve LitFest NewWest? Submit