CleanTechnica Reader Survey 2021 Question Title * 1. In 1 to 10 words, why do you read CleanTechnica, listen to the CleanTech Talk podcast, and/or subscribe to our YouTube channel? Question Title * 2. How long have you been reading CleanTechnica? (Optional) Less than 1 year 1–2 years 3-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years Question Title * 3. Which type of articles do you enjoy and find useful? (choose as many as you'd like) Abundant (if brief) news coverage In-depth (but less frequent) news coverage Original research & analysis Op-ed fun Interviews Myth busting Large resource articles (FAQ/Wikipedia-like articles) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What are your objectives when reading CleanTechnica? (choose as many as you'd like) To collect important information and messaging for use in politics/activism Simply to learn about positive developments in the cleantech arena & keep my optimism alive! To find ways for my company or organization to advance our clean energy &/or electric vehicle goals To find top cleantech consumer products To inform myself better for investment decisions To stay on top of my industry for my own professional goals Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How do you typically access CleanTechnica? (choose as many as you'd like) By coming directly to the homepage Email newsletter Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard Apple News Google News or Google homepage Links from another cleantech/green/energy website Feedly or another RSS service Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which industry do you work in? Solar Power Wind Power Electric Vehicle Energy Efficiency Smart Grid/Smart Home Energy Storage Water Energy (Hydro, Tidal, etc.) Biofuel Geothermal City/Urban Planning Architecture Mass Transit (Including Trains) Micromobility (bikes, e-bikes, etc.) Zero Waste to Landfill Student Studying Cleantech/Sustainability-Related Topics Elected Policymaker or Policymaker's Staff I do not work or study the clean tech industry, but I support it! Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Which of the following best describes your job? Executive (C-suite, upper management) Engineering Sales Construction Procurement Accounting or Finance Logistics Design or Architecture Board / Advisory Investment Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Where are you based? Europe (excluding UK & Ireland) UK or Ireland USA Canada Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, etc.) India China Asia (excluding China & India) Africa South America Mexico or Central America Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Your company's annual revenue (in a normal, non-COVID year) $1 billion+ $200 million to $1 billion $50 million to $200 million $10 million to $50 million $1 million to $10 million up to $ 1 million Question Title * 10. CleanTechnica personality you enjoy most? (Optional) Jennifer Sensiba Tina Casey Paul Fosse Scott Cooney Carolyn Fortuna Barry A.F. Johnna Crider Iqtidar Ali Tim Dixon Jesper Berggreen Loren McDonald Saurabh Chanan Bos Cynthia Shahan Daryl Elliott Jo Borras Matt Pressman Alex Voigt Maarten Vinkhuyzen Mike Barnard Max Holland Jose Pontes Kurt Lowder Winter Wilson Kyle Field Frugal Moogal Remeredzai Joseph Kuhudzai Jacek Fior Jake Richardson Zach Shahan Joe Wachunas Carlo Ombello Steve Hanley Derek Markham Smiti George Harvey Vijay Govindan David Havasi Question Title * 11. Are you interested in investing in CleanTechnica? Yes (Great! Here's a page that will open in another tab.) Nope, just enjoy reading Done